“Spontaneous and inducible CD8 T cell lesions in the brain and spinal cord of HLA-DR15-positive MS PBMC humanized mice.”

Irini Papazian, et al. – Hellenic Pasteur Institute.

This study of found that humanized mice showed differences in CNS lesion load depending on the HLA genotype of the human donor and their disease status. Mice that received cells from a healthy DR15 donor showed accumulation of T-cells at the CNS border; donations from a DR15 patient with MS led to spontaneous infiltration of and lesions in the CNS, while cells donated from a DR13+ patient showed little accumulation of immune cells near the CNS.
This work provides an illuminating contrast to the studies featured in our most recent researchXchange Live Event. They illustrate how differences in the strains of mice used and methods of EAE induction can produce vastly different outcomes – and underscore how much attention must be paid to these factors when evaluating research using animal models.