Proteomic predictors of physical, cognitive and imaging outcomes in multiple sclerosis: 5-year follow-up study. DCI: 1.0.

Kian Jalaleddini, et al. – Octave Biosciences.

This study tracked correlations between changes in the 18 proteins in Octave’s Multiple Sclerosis Disability Assay (MSDA) over a 5-year period and MS disease trajectory, examining patients at the levels of imaging, physical ability, and cognitive function.

Excitable dynamics of flares and relapses in autoimmune diseases. DCI: 0.8.

Yael Lebel, et al. – Weizmann Institute of Science.

This study presents a mathematical model of MS relapse flares, where a small sporadic amount of autoimmune activity is sufficient to drive an immunological feedback loop into causing disease relapse. The dynamics of this model accurately report the decreases in relapse observed during pregnancy, as well as the postpartum rebound.

Choroid Plexus Volume in Multiple Sclerosis can be estimated on structural MRI avoiding contrast injection. DCI: 0.7.

Valentina Visani, et al. – University of Padova.

This study found that T1-w imaging can provide an accurate estimate of choroidal plexus volume without the use of contrast-enhancing agents, making the process easier and less invasive.

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