July 21st

Sorting out effects of a SORL1 mutation

This study explored the effects of a missense mutation of SORL1 found in 3 patients with family histories of AD, limiting its trafficking to the cell surface. 

July 11th

Impact of CD33 isoforms on microglial clearance of amyloid β

Using a mouse model of AD, this study compares the ability of two human variants of CD33 to promote microglial uptake of amyloid β.

Ratios of amyloid products explain effects of PSEN1 mutations in AD

This study examined numerous variants of PSEN1 to determine why they exhibit stark differences in age-of-onset and disease severity in autosomal-dominant AD.

June preprints

Age-related changes in microglia – how might they affect AD?

This pair of studies from the lab of Willard Freeman examines age-related changes in hippocampal microglia.

How might Mediterranean diets stave off AD?

This pair of studies explore the impacts of Mediterranean-inspired dietary interventions on AD risk factors.

Profiling the Early Cortical Amyloid Response

This study from the lab of Evan Macosko analyzed cortical biopsies collected during surgeries on older adults, providing the opportunity to study early-stage AD without the confounds of post-mortem tissue.

Does tau buildup truly follow a stereotyped pattern when spreading through the brain?

In this study, the spread of tau abnormality across brain regions was tracked longitudinally, finding broad agreement with the Braak staging model but also key differences.

Amyloid β impairs microglia via lipid droplets

This study found that chronic exposure to amyloid β causes microglia to accumulate lipid droplets (LDs), with LD+ microglia showing reduced ability to phagocytose amyloid β.

Linking nicotinic receptor subunits to protection from amyloid buildup

This study makes significant progress in uncovering why variations in CHRNA5, which encodes the α5 nicotinic receptor subunit, have an impact on AD pathology.

Find a Zotero library with these preprints from June here; for a full list of AD preprints from June, click here. For the July preprints featured on our site, click here; for a full list of AD preprints from July, click here.